Website design and web based developments with a certain Je ne sais qoui!

Webgaga because everyday the web evolves and keeping up to date is a full time job!

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Video Playing Options

Webgaga welcomes Web Surfers

Video Undoubtedly the most valuable and currently underused internet resource, get filming today!

Have you thought of going video webgaga to boost sales or get your message across?

There is some additional video content available on this site - It is here to demonstrate some of the ways in which video can enhance your site.

Video Display Options

Step 1 - Select the Video display screen size

Step 2 - Select a video clip to view

As an Option you may download and save the video file to your download location (or whereever) by clicking on the video display screen once it appears,
then right clicking to display the video elements context menu, which give you the Save option.

The video content that is available here is taking advantage of the evolving video and audio standards that are being implemented as part of Html5
where your web browsers own inbuilt video playing functionality takes care of everything once you press play, whereas in the past video playback failed
unlesss you had an appropriate video playback add-on installed on your machine (ie: flash)

The only drawback of this positive move forward is that it is only supported in the newer versions of all major browsers so if you are using an old browser like IE6! its time to update.

Html5 is the new version of Html and it introduces so much more than video enhancements - check back for the new version of the video player and more here soon.

The functionality and video library available here serves as an arena for experimentation with all aspects of Html5 video functionality as it develops,
it will be periodically updated and we are grateful for any feedback you care to make.